Bookkeeping Services

Let Rodriguez Reiffert & Co., handle your bookkeeping

Based in San Antonio, Texas, Rodriguez Reiffert & Co., is an accounting firm offering detail-focused and stress-reducing bookkeeping services to businesses of all types and sizes.

Your Excel spreadsheets and accounting software aren’t cutting it anymore, but you can’t afford a staff accountant. Where does that leave you when your business needs to do its bookkeeping? It leaves you looking for bookkeeping services. And now, you’ve found them.

From managing budgets and financial statements to overseeing accounts receivable and accounts payable, our CPA firm can handle your bookkeeping needs from top to bottom. That way, you can focus on what matters most: running and growing your business.

Our Bookkeeping Services

What, exactly, can Rodriguez Reiffert & Co., do for your business? It’s much more than data entry. These are some of the bookkeeping services you can expect from our firm:

  • Books setup. We can help you set up your financial reports and systems so they’re error-free and totally optimized from day one.
  • Cleanup. Are your books a mess? Not to worry — we can clean them up and get them working like a well-oiled machine.
  • Accounts payable. We’ll keep track of all of your liabilities so your suppliers stay satisfied.
  • Accounts receivable. We’ll make sure you have a full accounting of every client or customer who owes your business so your cash flow never suffers unnecessarily.
  • Bank reconciliations. An ongoing service to carefully monitor your bank statements and make sure they accurately match your books.
  • Inventory management. Complex supply chains and unique setups are no match for our expert inventory management services.
  • General ledger management. It all comes together in the general ledger, and we will make sure it comes together accurately.
  • Payroll assistance. Payroll processing doesn’t have to be a headache or a strain on your staff. We can handle payroll from start to finish.
  • Tax services. We can reconcile your tax forms and provide tax planning insights as we update and manage your books on a daily basis. No more discrepancies on your tax return.

Why Outsource Your Small Business Bookkeeping?

You didn’t get this far with your business by making bad financial decisions, but now, the sheer number of financial decisions you have to make on a daily basis is overwhelming. When you realize you can’t handle it all yourself, you’re faced with a big question: hire a bookkeeper or outsource? For the vast majority of business owners, outsourcing is the answer. And there are several good reasons for that:

  • Scalability. If you hire an accounting clerk to oversee your books, they will work for you for 40 hours per week at most. What happens when your business grows? They’re overwhelmed, and you’re looking at another hire. Our bookkeeping firm, on the other hand, can scale with your business and adapt to your needs as they evolve.
  • Cost. Any business owner who has hired an employee knows labor is expensive. It’s not just salary — you have training, workers’ compensation, health insurance, paid time off, and other benefits to pay for. There’s no reason to pay for all of that when our expert bookkeeping firm can provide exactly what you’re looking for.
  • Accountability. As a business owner, you are where the buck stops when something goes wrong. So, if you hire an in-house bookkeeper, it’s on you if they make mistakes. Our bookkeeping service, on the other hand, has built a reputation for quality and remains fully accountable to your business.

What Makes Us The Best Choice

Years of Experience

A beginner bookkeeper might be adequate when it comes to data entry and managing a general ledger, but is that really good enough? You need a bookkeeper who can operate as a fractional CFO when you need them to, complete with robust financial services and advice for your business. You’re only going to get that if you go with a bookkeeper who has years of experience. Firm owner Pamela Rodriguez Reiffert, CPA, CFE, has been working in tax preparation and accounting for more than a decade.

Licenses and Certifications

Beware of exaggerated credentials when you’re looking for a bookkeeper. While not everyone can say they are a CPA, some may try to claim that they are bookkeepers without having the right licenses and certifications to back that claim up. That’s why you need to look closely at the credentials of any bookkeeping services provider you are considering. Here is a list of some of the credentials Pamela Rodriguez Reiffert has obtained to demonstrate her proficiency and abilities in bookkeeping and accounting:


We’re Based in San Antonio

Plenty of people will tell you they can manage your business’ financial records, and they may even have some accounting experience. But can they really understand your business if they aren’t local?

As San Antonio locals, we bring to the table true understanding of your business, your priorities, and your needs.

We’re more than an accounting firm. We can be your full-charge bookkeeper ready to manage every aspect of your business’ financial needs, from basic bookkeeping to advanced accounting services.

You Run Your Business. We’ll Do the Bookkeeping.

Rodriguez Reiffert & Co., is ready to provide the bookkeeping services you need. We elevate local businesses and business owners — you focus on growing your business, and we’ll take care of the books. If that sounds like a plan to you, we want to hear from you. Give us a call at (210) 822-9950 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation with a bookkeeper.

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Contact Us

We are glad that you found us, and look forward to talking with you! To get started, submit a contact form and we will reach out to you within 48 hours.

We’re welcoming new business, and initial consultations are free. Mrs. Rodriguez is available to answer your questions via phone call from 9AM to 6PM CDT, Monday to Friday, and 9AM to 2PM CDT on Saturdays and will respond to emails within 48 hours — Don’t hesitate to reach out.

210-822-9950 Rodriguez Reiffert & Co., P.C.
40 NE Loop 410, Suite 410
San Antonio, Texas 78216

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